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719 E Northern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85020 Suite #271

Vocational Rehab

Creating Jobs For All

As the job market improves and unemployment keeps falling, more people are finding work for the first time or getting back to work after long bouts of unemployment. That includes, in particular, people with disabilities. We see more team members with disabilities being welcomed into the workforce at a growing rate. Our team specializes in supportive employment and skill building for today’s job market, secondary education and advocacy programs.

That include Work Readiness Training, Job Retention Services, Job Placement, and Post Secondary Planning and much more.

We support the Vocational Rehab program with contracted services for the following:

  • Clerical Technology Job Training
  • Job Development/Job Placement
  • RIS-  Rehabilitation Instructional Services
  • TWE- Trial Work Experience
  • WAT – Work Adjustment Training

TWE – Trial Work Experience

This program works to evaluate each participant in a short time to see if the participant is a good fit for the Vocational Rehab employment  support programs. This program is used when Competitive employment is the participants goal.

RIS – Rehabilitation Instructional Services

This program provides support to participants that are in need of life skills support or practical skills training that supports a plan of employment or work training.

CE – Career Exploration

This program supports a participant as they decide if secondary education or employment is best for them. A participant will work with a Career Planner to walk through the steps of choosing a career that best aligns for their future.

WAT – Work Adjustment Training

This program is used to evaluate the participant during a real live work experience within an actual competitive worksite at a chosen employer. During the evaluation, a Job Coach will evaluate the participants soft skills and uses redirections to ensure the participants fully understands the employers best practices and to prepare them for the competitive employment.

Job Search and Placement

This program looks to support participants as they enter the final steps toward competitive work planning as they work close with a Job Developer on interview skills, resumes, and application submittal. This phase of the program will have participants working hard toward their employment goals.

Job Retention

Job Retention is a program where once a participant has received an offer of employment, we assist in advocating to ensure the participants transition to employment is supportive and successful.